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FASHIONWEEK Spring 2007: Poolside Pin-Up Girl Glamour from Gottex. FASHIONTRIBES FASHION BLOG & PODCAST

PODCAST: FASHIONWEEK Spring 2007: Poolside Pin-Up Girl Glamour from Gottex. FASHIONTRIBES FASHION BLOG & PODCAST - MP3 File

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(photos: Randy Brooke/Coutorture Media)

Summary: Black straw sombreros & black floral print swimwear added a peppy, if deceiving, vibe to the Gottex show, where the elegant, old world looks were the highlight.  Boy cut shorts & bandeaus from Hollywood’s glamour period, 40s ruched halter bodice tops, asymmetrical one-shouldered suits, and elegant one pieces were accessorized with trailing – often matching - diaphanous scarves, cover-ups.and even gloves. Cabana & cruise-ready, the Gottex goddess apparently even wears gold leather & matching high-highwaisted hotpants & motorcycle jackets to be appropriately fabulous.

Color Palette: black florals with red, black straw sombrero hats, black & white polka dots, white with red flower prints, red with tone-on-tone mesh, silvery/metallic (very mermaid’ish), white with a gold print, gold leather

Textures & Details: glamour girl headwraps, gloves, chiffon scarves, prints, metallic accents

Key Looks:
almost-too-gorgeous-for-the-pool white suits with a gold print; black suits with red & black lace up details on the front of the body or the side; gold leather lacket & high-waisted toreador hot pant

-    Lesley Scott


September 9, 2006 in Fashion, Fashionweek, Weblogs | Permalink


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