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Live from New York Fashionweek: Jay McCarroll Rocks the House - Check Out the Amost Girl Blog for Jay Unplugged. FASHIONTRIBES FASHION BLOG


As your trusty Fashiontribes editors were busy podcasting & liveblogging from the Tents at Bryant Park, we had a Jay McCarroll sighting. We were supposed to do a videoblog interview with him this morning, but, alas, all of our equipment stolen last night which we've been scrambling to replace today. So of course, we mosied over to say hi...and he spotted Julie liveblogging, and wanted in on the action.

Check out our fave former Project Runway'ista in all his raw & unedited - and we do mean unedited - glory - here's the link:

We majorly heart Jay.

- Lesley Scott

February 4, 2006 in Autumn/Winter Fashion Week 2006-NEW YORK, Fashion, Pop Culture, State of the Fashion Union, Weblogs | Permalink


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I wrote Jay a song - we love him! Check it out at

Posted by: Jeffrey | Mar 2, 2006 10:39:36 PM

We would like to visit the New York Fashionweek
in September
Does somebody already know the exact date of the F.week?

Posted by: pinokmodes | Mar 6, 2006 9:39:03 AM

ohh my god!! i'm loving jay MacCrroll's clothing better of all fur-free any man greater that he is?
i dont think so
he's hot , g8 heart, support animal causes and shave himself over his body!!
As Paris Hilton would say...that's Hot!!
keep nighting please!!

Posted by: Alexandra | Sep 6, 2006 12:16:58 PM

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