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Fashion Dos & Don’ts – NYC Fashiontribes Felonies: Fashion Expert Fashion Don'ts from New York. Man on the Street Report About the Fashion "No No" of Sayings on Your Booty - Don't Use Your Butt as a Billboard - FASHIONTRIBES STREETFASHION BLOG
I would much rather report on a fashion "do" any day of the week, but some fashion felonies simply must be photograped, fretted over & stopped at any cost.
Strolling the streets with sayings splashed across your rear is one such crime. Exhibit A: these otherwise adorable girls. Please don't use your booty as a billboard - it's wrong-wrong-wrong on so many levels.
- Lesley
August 29, 2005 in Fashion, Fashion Felonies, Weblogs | Permalink
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