After gliding onto the the highly-anticipated, parazzi-lined red carpet and ascending the steps of the venerable Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York en route to the Costume Institute Ball to celebrate the opening of the latest fashion exhibition, for 2014 it will be Charles James: Beyond Fashion - you pause. Before air-kissing everyone-who's-anyone in Fashionland, why not take a moment to survey the masses of Little People behind the cameras who have to work this event in order to bring glamorous pix of you to the even Littler People. Yes, the masses in line like cattle at the grocery store...during which time they grab a celeb rag and escape - thanks to you, Ms. Supremium! - into a world where everyone is gorgeously-attired, fabulous, rarified. (image)
Or not.
"Do you want me to be honest? It sucked," Gwyneth Paltrow confessed on Australian radio after last year's after last year's "Punk: Chaos to Couture" shindig which paid homage to a very non 1% faction in society. "It seems like the best thing in the world," she continued. "You think, ‘Oh my God, it’s going to be so glamorous and amazing, and you’re going to see all these famous people.’ And then you get there, and it’s so hot, and so crowded, and everyone’s pushing you. This year it was really intense. It wasn’t fun! And . . . I feel that we’re all a bit old to be dressed punk."
Ya think...Madonna?
Age-appropriate attire issues aside, the event's organizers which include Vogue editrix Anna Wintour are certainly undertaking heroic measures to rectify the riff-raff problem by eliminating the two price tiers. Last year, there were tickets available for both $15,000 and $25,000, while for 2014, all tickets will go for a single price: $25K. “Increasing the ticket price will make the Met Gala even more high-fashion," opines one source, and "even more exclusive and even more aspirational.”
By "aspirational" I'm assuming this source means exclusive. Making the event more exclusive should eliminate some of the crowding and pushing that Gwyneth found so annoying, paving the way for a much more genteel experience. Experience, after all, is what the people who can afford $25,000 a ticket are after these days. The Supremium fashion tribe, aka the super-rich, - now I'm not talking merely "rich" here, I'm talkin' *wealthy* (Chris Rock, "Never Scared") - are spending far more on memory-making vacations, for instance, than on possessions such as cars, jewelry or fashion. Pricewise, for whatever reason, they seem to gravitate toward the magic $25K pricetag as that's the minimum amount the majority are spending on vacationing and leisure pursuits.
Home renovations are the other big category the rich love to throw money at - what IS it about people with money & constant home makeovers?? I guess without shady contactors, spendy delays and other home-reno horror-stories, what would you have to commiserate about with the other members of Richistan?
(gorgeous fashion illustration of the rarified & monied atmosphere of Haute Couture by David Downton)
Be sure to check out the Podcast I recorded about this Supremium-priced event which includes clips from that Gwyneth interview & one from Chris Rock!
Music: Tschikovsky waltz via Kevin MacLeod, Incompetech.com
Clips from Gwyneth Paltrow interview on the Kyle & Jackie O Show (Australia)