For the past decade, hundreds of studies have shown that "Get Fit" has consistently been a Top 10 New Year's resolution - generally in the Top 3, and #1 last year. Clearly, it's a resolution most of us break. To ditch the resolution-breaking treadmill in favor of the real thing, we turned to get-buff guru Daniel Lucas, owner of NIMBLE FITNESS, whose clients include Chris Noth (Big is looking less BIG), and Starbucks co-founder Dave Olsen.
"The solution to never having to make another Fitness New Year's resolution is twofold: Make your resolution long-term, and make a commitment to understanding why you want to create change in yourself. Most New Year's resolutions are short-term band-aids to long-term problems--that's why they don't work! Sure, I could teach you how to do a 5 min ab routine or tell you to try some new diet, but what good would that do if you're not dealing with the root behaviors that take your body out of balanced health?"
As one of New York City's premier health practitioners, Olsen dispenses advice from a place of personal experience. After his father died at an early age from preventable causes compounded by an unhealthy lifestyle, Daniel became motivated to inspire others to live their best by looking at health as an essential part of a whole life experience, including not just the physical, but mental, emotional, spiritual, and social. "The second part of our solution is about digging a little deeper within yourself, and understanding how your daily choices affect you," he continues.
"Do you eat certain foods for comfort? What is blocking you from making the space in your schedule to exercise? Whether its longevity, feeling better, eliminating annoying aches and pains, or even vanity, making a commitment - every single day - to change your choices will be what creates lasting results. Even if all you change is one thing, do it on a daily basis. This will create a foundation that you can build on for the rest of your life and allow you to continually evolve and grow."
For more info, email [email protected]. Nimble Fitness is located at 42 E 12th Street (between Broadway & University), New York, NY 10003. 1.212.633.9030.
- Michelyn Camen, Editor at Large
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