Meet the eclectic, iconic British designer in her own words in a charming video series shot in her penthouse, and inspired by the Mad Hatter's Tea Party (Chapter 7 of Alice in Wonderland) and John Waters's 1968 film Eat Your Makeup. The fact that she loves Jean Paul Gaultier, Paul Poiret, Comme des Garcons, is still actively designing, costumes various operas (like Aida & Mozart's Magic Flute), and thinks that London Fashion Week has an edge people don't want to acknowledge - amen! - makes us crush on her even more than we thought possible.
There are multiple installments to Eat Your Chiffon on the Glass Loves YouTube channel featuring Nat Weller (son of the Modfather, Paul Weller), Marios Schwab, artist Andrew Logan, Bishi, and Piers Atkinson (Daily Rubbish) - and other fun fashion stuff - but Part 2 is the most Zandra-centric & therefore, the most fabulous.
For more-more-more Zandra, be sure to visit her site,
- Lesley Scott
...& don't miss: |