Heather Wells should be happy. The former pop star has a career that does not require prancing about in skimpy outfits, she's passing her first college course, her dad is finally moving out & she's got a boyfriend—and, okay, he was just supposed to be her rebound romance...but things got serious & now Tad's got a question he wants to ask her (one Heather's not so sure she knows the answer to just yet).
Even her job as assistant director of a New York College dorm is starting to improve, and while it's her third boss in a single year, this new one - specially appointed by the Housing Department to improve Fischer Hall’s image as the campus Death Dorm - actually seems to know what he's doing...which is probably why he's the most boring man on the face of the planet (not that that's any reason to put a bullet through his head).
In the third mystery featuring Cabot's intrepid amateur sleuth, Heather must figure out if the president of the student union — and the love of Heather’s grad assistant Sarah’s life as well as the NYPD’s main suspect — did in Dr. Veatch. And she can't help wondering if she really knew her boring boss as well as she thought she did—especially when a pretty blue-eyed Fischer Hall resident who has Heather’s big-boned build claims she knows who his real murderer is.
Can Heather clear Sarah’s would-be boyfriend’s name? Find her boss’s real murderer? End the grad students’ strike? Figure out if her dad’s new “project” is really the answer to her prayers? Answer Tad’s "question"? Get her landlord Cooper to realize that by letting her go, he’s making the biggest mistake of his life? ...all while maintaining a fifteen hundred calorie per day diet…oh, and keeping from getting killed, as well?
Probably not, but no one’s going to keep her from trying. Available November 20th at Amazon.com.
- Lesley Scott