Few things compare with having a fabulous hair day.
"Women have come to love the sleek and sexy hair that is achieved by a blow-out. At my Fifth Avenue Salon in New York, we provide up to a thousand blow-outs each week," notes hair guru Frédéric Fekkai about womens' increasing
addiction tolove of blow outs. In cases of emergency or, god forbid, having to administer your own, his new 8-product line of COIFF Hair Couture stylers can be used alone - or layered to extremes - to render salon quality results (really!). "Hair that you can run your fingers through is inherently sexy and always in style; with the right products and these expert tips, you’ll never have a bad hair day again."
Frédéric Fekkai’s formula for the perfect blow-out:
1. Gently pat hair with a towel to remove excess water.
Spray hair liberally with COIFF Défense/Pre-Style Thermal UV Protectant, combing through with a wide-tooth comb.
Apply a nickel-sized amount of COIFF Contrôle/Ironless Straightening Balm evenly through the hair.
4. Flip your head over, drying hair upside down until it’s 70% dry.
5. Using a natural boar bristle round brush grasp the hair starting at the root. Gently glide the brush through the hair following its natural direction and pull through to the ends. Because rubbing your hair the wrong way creates frizz, don't turn the brush.
When your hair is completely dry, rub a small amount of COIFF Magnifique/Ultra-Light Finishing Crѐme between your palms and "rake" the product through the ends of your hair for added definition & control.
7. Finish with a blast of cold air from the blow drier to seal in shine.
COIFF products are available at Fekkai.com.
- Lesley Scott