Coco Chanel's beloved cuff, created specifically for Mademoiselle by Verdura who devised a clever use for all that jewelry her myriad lovers loved to bestow upon her that she just didn't like. (Be sure to check out our post about Verdura)
In The Little Black Book of Style, Nina Garcia shares one of the secrets of the truly stylish: once you've got the bones of your wardrobe covered (the topic of a recent in-depth post), it's time to buy with drama!
"Buy what is truly fantastic!" exhorts Garcia. "The leopard-print coat, the knock-'em-dead dress, the decadent piece of jewelry...You know one when you see one. You fall in love with it immediately. Yes, it may cost you a small fortune, but it is worth it. You know you look good in it, everyone else knows you look good in it, and it is going to make you feel amazing. So go a little crazy."
Since the truly dedicated fashionista needs no further encouragement to hunt out fashion perfection, here is Garcia's list of dramatic pieces no well-appointed wardrobe is without. Before you "invest" some serious dough, just remember her parting words of wisdom: "Buy timeless itmes. Don't just go crazy for the trends. Make sure you can see yourself wearing it a few seasons later."
Nina Garcia's wardrobe drama must-haves:
- a cuff Verdura Maltese Cross cuff - photo:
- oversize cocktail ring Loree Rodkin Diamond Skull ring -
- killer evening or cocktail dress vintage gown - Vintage Style Files
- some fur Finnish raccoon hat -
- exotic skin bag - Alina
- stand-out coat - Sonia Rykiel
- metallic strappy sandals - classic Jimmy Choo Juliet (available in gold or silver)
- Lesley Scott
Nina Garcia's Top 10 trendproof wardrobe must-haves
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