When the forward-thinking fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi jumped on the Target bandwagon, the fashion world looked askance...that is, until his high-fashion-but-budget-friendly designs it proved to be an unmitigated home run - both financially & critically. Small wonder the fashion elite such as Karl Lagerfeld (Chanel, Fendi) and Stella McCartney soon followed suit with limited edition lines for global discount fashion chain H&M. And following in Mizrahi's footsteps at Target - as part of their Go International Program - have been A-listers like Londoner Luella Bartley, whose 80s punk-inspired runway shows are a high point of Fashionweek, Tara Jarmon, and Paul & Joe.
And now, the fashion world is positively abuzz about Behnaz Sarafpour, couturiere to the hip social set, who will be participating in Go International for the holiday season. Typically, her little (but pricey!) cocktail dresses and gowns are on seen only on red carpets and the social circuit. Additionally, the rumor mill is in overdrive about the possibility of fashion darlings, Jack McCollough & Lazaro Hernandez of Proenza Schouler whipping up a lil' sumpin sumpin for spring. Sadly, Target had no comment, so speculation will have to suffice.
Thanks to retailers like Target and H&M, high quality design is no longer limited to the elite. Now that the masses are able to participate, this trend ups the level of everyone's game. How? If money is no longer a factor for consumers, and high design is widely available, what will determine retail success is having the best quality design. It's a great trend that benefits anyone with an eye & taste for style, regardless of their budget. via WWD
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